Conversations Over Whiskey
Karla, Nick and Juliet host a show about a photograph our guest brings in. Sound boring? Not when we get to the backstory. We want to know what was going on BEHIND the picture and luckily, we are nosey enough and have no shame to ask the questions you never would. Every picture has a story behind it and we find out what it is. All while drinking some darned good whiskey. We might get off on a few tangents with our guests but why the heck not? Don't worry. We'll bring it around to the picture and end with a toast. Pictures are posted on Instagram and Facebook by searching COW or Conversations Over Whiskey.
Conversations Over Whiskey
Nawds The Hiker
Karla Murphy + Juliet + Nick
COW welcomes Nadia, aka Nawds, who is our friend and coworker. She shares her pic and tells us how she fell in love with hiking and the outdoors. Nadia regales us with a story of how girls taking off their tops while hiking is NOT cool and Juliet chimes in with a story naked of her own. We discuss how we pick up hobbies and passions based on others exposing us to relatively simple things we never experienced when we were growing up. Then we somehow segway to Juliet's story of getting beat up by a girl which proves she's a super whussie. So grab your glass of whiskey and join us while we drink ours on Conversations Over Whiskey. See Nawds picture on Instagram or Facebook by searching Conversations Over Whiskey.